Emergency Medicine Electives
The following electives are available to EM residents. Electives may be scheduled during specific times in our training block schedule (EM, EM/IM and EM/IM/CCM).
- EIT (ED Critical Care)
- EM Administration
- Ultrasound
- Medical Education/Teaching
- Research
- Sports Medicine
- Toxicology
- Ultrasound
- Palliative Care
- Advanced Airway Management
- Community Emergency Medicine
Residents also have the ability to design an elective in a particular area of interest. Recent examples of this include, Regional Anesthesia, ENT, Pain Medicine, Global Health and Indian Health Services electives.
In addition, the program offers a couple special electives that deserve special attention. You can choose from one of these two experiences that satisfy the community emergency medicine requirement, but also offer experiences in a different practice environment.

The Hawaii rotation offers an excellent experience in community medicine. Located at Kaiser Permanente hospital in Honolulu, this rotation offers a unique opportunity to treat tropical and marine diseases and includes dedicated hyperbaric medicine educational opportunities. Residents are provided with housing, rental car, and travel expenses for this month and there are ample opportunities to explore the local Hawaii culture.
This rotation provides an excellent opportunity in community and wilderness medicine at St. John’s Medical Center in Jackson Hole. Residents treat patients with blunt trauma and sports related injuries, cardiovascular emergencies and wild animal related injuries. There is plenty of opportunity to explore the magnificence of Wyoming and Montana, including fishing, hiking, rafting, sightseeing and exploring Yellowstone national park.